Thursday, May 6, 2010

Antique Stores Grand Openings some Fun this Weekend

With so much tragedy (horrible flooding) going on in Nashville - I for one am so thankful for the Sun coming out and drying us out.

I am also looking forward to this weekend shopping.... a New antique store is about to have a Grand Openings in my area of Nolensville.  I could use some fun- after this past week of flooding rain. 

I am still working on Dog Tornado Training in a closet.

I have trained them to immediately come running after me with a certain call I give for a tornado about to touch down. 
Gives me some peace of mind during an emergency!  I would rather loose my stuff than my dogs.
Here is a pic....granted a terrible one... of all three of my rescued dogs in mom's (me) packed closet looking at me. 
From Shiloh

Shiloh is the pup of the bunch.  Starved by a farmer so I removed her.  I was going to try and find her a new home but fell in love with her.
Chelsea my mixed hound found me.  Someone had taken a base ball bat to her.  She recovered.  She has a sour look on her face in the picture waiting for her reward as I was making them wait.
Charlie the Maltese someone dumped, I kept him because he is such a joyful little guy.
Cheers from my family!

besides shopping....there are also great places to eat -the popular BBQ South Side Grill and a great bistro near by.  Village Antiques (Grand Opening, on Saturday the 8th), The Three French Hens, The Roost are also fantastic stores in Nolensville. 
So come on by and see me...I could use some hugs!
Cheers, cindykay as nostalgia*gal at Chapel Hills Antiques.


  1. These new stores are a great sign of good things on the horizon...Fresh energy and new business....Good Luck to you all !!!

  2. Hope you have a great weekend turnout! We had Nolensville Road on our schedule last trip, but ran out of visit for sure!

  3. So wish I could attend the grand openings!

  4. Sounds like ya'll have alot going on this weekend such fun, wish I lived closer!!! Blessings~~~Daphne

  5. Girl... I don't think I'd ever make the other stores 'cause you'd be hard pressed to get me out of YOUR store!!!!!!!!!! So - did you get to play in the other stores?

    :-) robelyn


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